First-Ever ISKCON Organized Vaishnava Acharyas Sampradaya Samelan (Summit) – October 14, 2021

First-Ever ISKCON Organized Vaishnava Acharyas Sampradaya Samelan (Summit) – October 14, 2021
For the first time in ISKCON history, and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing an online Sampradaya Samelan (summit) that includes the head acharyas of the four Vaishnava sampradayas.

On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, a ZOOM call will ensue for this purpose and also be broadcast by Mayapur TV as part of the two-day welcome event. All four acharyas as well as other sampradaya representatives will participate in a panel discussion on the state of Vaishnavism in the modern world, organized and monitored by His Grace Gauranga das.

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