This Exceptional Agri-Scientist who brought in Desi-Cows + An Engineer generating Clean Energy & Managing Waste

Dr. Loganandhan is the Principal Scientist in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tumkur, near Bangalore. He took the rare step of bringing in desi cows in his institution as he knew that agriculture is incomplete without them! He has been helping double farmer incomes by reducing input costs thanks to the desi cows. He advises that the desi cow is the basis of our wealth and health and hence we need to stop their sharp population decline for our own survival.

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 Er. Siddharth Vyas, CEO Environmental Engineering – has many laurels to his credit including making India’s first Portable BioCNG unit and being a pioneer in Biogas Purification Technology. In this interaction, he shares the technology behind the prosperity that comes through managing desi cows’ dung in a right way.

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