Be A Monk Challenge!

With Lockdown easing and an opportunity arising for more activity within the Manor space, the Manor’s Brahmacari Ashram wasted no time in delivering their famous residential course – Be A Monk Challenge, that allows individuals from the general public to have an opportunity to experience monastic life for seven days.

The several participants who came forward were engaged in a variety of activities. Upon arriving and settling in, they received a tour of the Bhaktivedanta Manor and got a feeling of the mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada in developing a community where Krsna Consciousness can be shared, relished and lived by all.

The program was packed with philosophical discussions, which were interesting seeing that we had a group from all walks of life. They appreciated how the philosophy was accepting of their individual journeys and how Krsna is really the mastermind behind everything that exists.

Jan, one of the participants found it powerful what the morning hours can do, and is now carrying on with the practice of waking up early and doing his meditation before starting the day.

Service to the cows and the farm here at the Bhaktivedanta Manor is taken to heart and the participants got a chance to serve them. Some working with the oxen and others milking the cows for the first time in their lives, found it a unique skill and meditation. One of the participants, Ravi, was touched by the loving mood of the cows that he is inspired to render more service to them.

The participants got a chance to experience Vedic fitness from our trained and qualified practitioner – Sadasiva das, who taught them basic self-defence skills and how to protect others in a safe way when danger arises.

Later on in the week, they got taken out of the Manor into the streets of London where they joined the initiative – Food for All London – and fed hundreds of people with Krsna Prasadam. Ted, one of the participants was actively engaged in this service and expressed how he felt the difference of being in a strong spiritual atmosphere versus the crazy busy streets of London. He commended the devotees for their mood of service and can’t wait to join us again in serving the community.

One of the evenings, they watched the famous Hare Krsna Movie, which highlights the journey Srila Prabhupada went through for us to get such a wonderful opportunity of serving Lord Krsna. Some of them got teary eyed when getting to understand the difficulties Srila Prabhupada went through and felt the need to contribute more of their time and energy in serving devotees.

On the last day, they had their graduation ceremony, a bitter sweet moment for them and for us. They really enjoyed their stay and can’t wait to come back to visit again, and the devotees felt happy getting a chance to serve new inspired individuals in Krsna Consciousness.