ISKCON 🇲🇾 Malaysia Assists in – Flood Disaster Relief📢 – By its Iconic🏅*Food for Life* Program

Over 10,000 plates of full meal Prasadam were distributed to flood victims in various places in Klang Valley (an urban conglomeration in Malaysia centered in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.)

Kuala Lumpur, over 18000 residents have been evacuated from their homes following continuous rain since Friday 17/12. It made several roads impassable with many stranded overnight in their cars. It is Malaysia’s worst flooding in years. The amount of rain in one month fell in Klang Valley in one day inundating the Greater Kuala Lumpur.

Devotees of ISKCON Kuala Lumpur (ISKCON Malaysia HQ) banded together 👫from 19th to 26th December, prepared sumptuous Prasadam for the flood victims. Together they managed to distribute over 10,000 plates of Prasadam. It was great to see such togetherness and unity amongst all the devotees and volunteers who prepared and packed the Prasadam for distribution over the 7 days period.

The quick disaster relief service response by ISKCON Malaysia team was appreciated 😊🙌 by all members of the public with many singing praises for ISKCON Malaysia’s noble service. This will definitely help in any future preaching initiatives in the country.

Kripa Sindhu Krishna Das who is the Co-Temple President of ISKCON Kuala Lumpur and the Food For Life Society Malaysia President mentioned that he felt privileged 🙏 and happy to see how well everyone cooperated in this flood disaster relief initiative. When he was out on the field distributing the Prasadam, he saw how appreciative and grateful the multi-racial and multi-religious victims were.

Rati Gopika Devi Dasi, ISKCON Kuala Lumpur Co-Youth Head related how this particular initiative brought the youth together 🤝, who relentlessly assisted the main cooks, and even cleaned up the kitchen right after the cooking happily. Everyone was feeling blissful 😇.

Gokul Damodara Das, ISKCON Kuala Lumpur’s Temple Commander, could not help feeling touched when he saw many stranded without food for more than a day. He appreciated that distributing Prasadam is the highest service 🌟 during such time. He was happy in leading the distribution operation throughout Klang Valley. Together with his team, he charted the logistics and transportation to the direst locations.

ISKCON Malaysia sincerely thanks every devotee and volunteer who gave their time, energy, and donations for this flood disaster relief effort.

What’s FOOD for LIFE program .. ?

Hare Krishna Food for Life (FFL) is the world’s largest vegetarian food distribution program serving millions of meals daily, with projects in over 60 countries. With roots in the Vaishnava culture of charity and the distribution of pure food to all, the project is a modern day revival of the ancient culture of hospitality and a belief in the equality of all beings. Food For Life has been lauded by The New York Times and government relief agencies worldwide for its efforts worldwide.


Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON’s Founder-acarya, is the inspiration behind Food for Life. He stated in 1972 that “No one within ten miles of an ISKCON temple should go hungry.” Since that time ISKCON devotees have expanded a global network of free food restaurants, mobile services and relief programs establishing daily delivery routes in many large cities around the world.

Currently, Food for Life’s largest programs are in India. More than 1.2 million school children are a served multi-course hot, healthy, and tasty lunch six days a week in cities throughout the sub-continent, through a partnership with the Indian government for the ‘Mid-day Meal’ scheme. Education administrators have stated that the ISKCON Food for Life program, known locally as Annamrita, actually facilitates many poor children to attend school. Otherwise, they explain, without the program the children would be forced to work as child laborers to earn enough to eat for the day.

Food for Life volunteers also respond to natural disasters, bringing food and hope 🌻 into the lives of people affected by events such as the wars in Bosnia and Chechnya, the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the typhoon Haiyan, and Hurricane Katrina.

“(ISKCON) movement, Just imagine…within a short span of time…today I am told ISKCON movement runs more than 600 centres all over the world, everyday in India it provides food to over one million children…healthy food…and the message…of love, compassion, which is inherent in Indian civilization.

– Pranab Mukherjee, President of India.